Días festivos y celebraciones de todo el mundo
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Budista-Hinduista : calendario de fiestas y celebraciones religiosas de todo el mundo durante los tres próximos meses

Jueves 10 octubre, 2024Holiday:Budista-Hinduista
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Jueves 10 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (Saptami)Budista-Hinduista
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Jueves 10 octubre, 2024Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)Budista-Hinduista
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Viernes 11 octubre, 2024MaharnavamiBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 11 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (Astami)Budista-Hinduista
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Viernes 11 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (Nabami)Budista-Hinduista
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Viernes 11 octubre, 2024Mahanavami/Ayudha PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 11 octubre, 2024Mahanavami/Ayudha Puja: 0:268812:celebración del Maharaja Agrasen : 0:288332:cumpleaños del Maharaja Agrasena: 0:325484:aniversario del Maharaja Gambhir Singh : 0:224844:Aniversario de la muerte de Gambhri Maharaja Singh : 0:229836:Aniversario de MaharanaBudista-Hinduista
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Sabado 12 octubre, 2024DashainBudista-Hinduista
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Sabado 12 octubre, 2024Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)Budista-Hinduista
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Sabado 12 octubre, 2024Mahanavami/Ayudha PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Sabado 12 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (Nabami)Budista-Hinduista
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Sabado 12 octubre, 2024MaharnavamiBudista-Hinduista
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Domingo 13 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (Nabami)Budista-Hinduista
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Domingo 13 octubre, 2024Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)Budista-Hinduista
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Domingo 13 octubre, 2024Lakshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Domingo 13 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (DashamiBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 14 octubre, 2024Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)Budista-Hinduista
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Lunes 14 octubre, 2024Lakhshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 15 octubre, 2024Durga Puja (DashamiBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 15 octubre, 2024Lakhshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Miércoles 16 octubre, 2024Lakhshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 17 octubre, 2024Aniversario de Maharishi ValmikiBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 17 octubre, 2024Kumara PurnimaBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 17 octubre, 2024Lakhshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 18 octubre, 2024Lakhshmi PujaBudista-Hinduista
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Domingo 20 octubre, 2024VishvakarmanBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 31 octubre, 2024Deepavali/DipabaliBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 31 octubre, 2024Bhai Teeka/Panchak YamaBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 31 octubre, 2024Sardar Patel dayBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 15 noviembre, 2024Deepavali/DipabaliBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 15 noviembre, 2024Rahasa PurnimaBudista-Hinduista
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Sabado 16 noviembre, 2024Kartar Singh Srabha dayBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 18 noviembre, 2024Kanakadasa JayantiBudista-Hinduista
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Miércoles 20 noviembre, 2024Día festivo regionalBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 12 diciembre, 2024Nupi LalBudista-Hinduista
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Domingo 15 diciembre, 2024Hindu festivalBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 2 enero, 2025Mannam celebrationBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 6 enero, 2025Cumpleaños de Sri Guru Gobind Singh JiBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 13 enero, 2025Día festivo regionalBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 13 enero, 2025Shakambhari celebrationBudista-Hinduista
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Lunes 13 enero, 2025Shakambhari dayBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 14 enero, 2025Makar SankrantiBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 14 enero, 2025Magh SankratiBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 14 enero, 2025Magh Bihu/Tusu Puja - PongalBudista-Hinduista
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Martes 14 enero, 2025Día festivo opcionalBudista-Hinduista
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Miércoles 15 enero, 2025Magh Bihu/Tusu Puja - PongalBudista-Hinduista
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Miércoles 15 enero, 2025KanumaBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 16 enero, 2025Uzhavar ThirunalBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 17 enero, 2025Uzhavar ThirunalBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 30 enero, 2025Día de las ofrendasBudista-Hinduista
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Viernes 31 enero, 2025Me-Dum-Me-PhiBudista-Hinduista
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Jueves 10 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Seventh day of the Dashain festival. Fulpati, which means sacred flowers and leaves , is collected for three days from the jungle. The jamara (a six inch tall yellow grass) and kalash (holy vessel) to be used by the Royal Family are brought from the a

Durga Puja (Saptami)

Jueves 10 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Séptimo día del festival Dashain. Fulpati, que significa flores y hojas sagradas , se recoge durante tres días de la selva. La jamara (una hierba amarilla de seis pulgadas de altura) y el kalash (barco sagrado) para ser utilizados por la Familia Real son traídos del palacio ancestral (el palacio real original utilizado durante el reinado de Prithivi Narayan Shah) en Gurkha en un desfile de tres días completo con regimiento militar y sacerdotes.

Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)

Jueves 10 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :


Viernes 11 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The ninth day of the Navratri festival and is the final day of worship before Vijaya Dashami, the end of Navratri. On this day, Goddess Durga is worshipped in different forms

Durga Puja (Astami)

Viernes 11 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : El festival principal en Bengala en homenaje a la diosa Durga. Los bengalíes celebran con ropa nueva y otros regalos que se usan en las noches cuando la familia sale a ver los pandals (estructuras temporales establecidas para venerar a Durga).

Durga Puja (Nabami)

Viernes 11 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Mahanavami/Ayudha Puja

Viernes 11 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Mahanavami/Ayudha Puja: 0:268812:celebración del Maharaja Agrasen : 0:288332:cumpleaños del Maharaja Agrasena: 0:325484:aniversario del Maharaja Gambhir Singh : 0:224844:Aniversario de la muerte de Gambhri Maharaja Singh : 0:229836:Aniversario de Maharana

Viernes 11 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : An integral part of the Dasara festival (festival of triumph), a Hindu festival. It is also called Astra Puja . In simple terms, it means “Worship of Implements.


Sabado 12 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : La victoria de Durga sobre las fuerzas malignas, la destrucción de Vasanas (subjetividad, egoísmo, deseos...) y el logro del Ser más profundo. Dominio de Saraswati (ciencia pura) sobre Lakshmi (ciencia aplicada)

Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)

Sabado 12 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Información : La victoria de Durga, sobre el Mal, la destrucción de las Vasanas (subjectividad, deseos..) y acabamiento de su Yo profundo. Preponderancia de Saraswati(la ciencia pura) sobre Lakshmiri (las ciencias aplicadas). RAJASTHAN, MANIPUR, HIMACHAL PRADESH: después de 1 día festivo dos días antes (ej. Jueves Y Sábado)

Mahanavami/Ayudha Puja

Sabado 12 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : An integral part of the Dasara festival (festival of triumph), a Hindu festival. It is also called Astra Puja . In simple terms, it means “Worship of Implements. [Wikipedia]

Durga Puja (Nabami)

Sabado 12 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : On the tenth day of Dashian, Dashami, the eldest of the family will give tika to all others. Parents will do this for their children and married children will visit their parents for this occasion.


Sabado 12 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The ninth day of the Navratri festival and is the final day of worship before Vijaya Dashami, the end of Navratri. On this day, Goddess Durga is worshipped in different forms

Durga Puja (Nabami)

Domingo 13 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Octavo día de Dashain. Este es el día para los sacrificios de animales en hogares de todo el país. Algunos hindúes ortodoxos ayunan en este día y otros que no favorecen el sacrificio de animales ofrecen verduras como calabazas y rábanos de botella, cocos o huevos.

Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)

Domingo 13 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The victory of Durga on evil forces, the destruction of Vasanas (subjectivity, selfishness, desires...) and the achievement of the deepest Self. Dominance of Saraswati (pure science) over Lakshmi (applied science)

Lakshmi Puja

Domingo 13 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Durga Puja (Dashami

Domingo 13 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : La principal fiesta en Bengala en homenaje a la diosa Durga. Bengalíes celebran con ropa nueva y otros regalos que se usan en la noche cuando la familia sale a ver los Pandales (estructuras temporales para venerar a Durga).

Vijaya Dashami (Dasera)

Lunes 14 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The victory of Durga on evil forces, the destruction of Vasanas (subjectivity, selfishness, desires...) and the achievement of the deepest Self. Dominance of Saraswati (pure science) over Lakshmi (applied science)

Lakhshmi Puja

Lunes 14 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

Durga Puja (Dashami

Martes 15 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Lakhshmi Puja

Martes 15 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

Lakhshmi Puja

Miércoles 16 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

Aniversario de Maharishi Valmiki

Jueves 17 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Poeta presagio en la literatura sánscrita. Es el autor de la épica Ramayana, basada en la atribución en el texto de la propia epopeya. [2] Es venerado como el Adi Kavi, que significa Primer Poeta, ya que descubrió el primer verso de éloka, es decir, el primer verso, que estableció la base y definió la forma en poesía sánscrita. El Yoga Vasistha se le atribuye. Un movimiento religioso llamado Valmikismo se basa en las enseñanzas de Valmiki 's como se presenta en el Ramayana y el Yoga Vasistha. Wikipedia

Kumara Purnima

Jueves 17 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : A harvest festival celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin (September to October), marking the end of the monsoon season. In Odisha, on this day unmarried women keep fast with the popular belief of getting their suitable groom(kumara). This festival starts with maidens welcoming the sun god just at sunrise with a coconut-leaf-made-vessel called 'kula' filled with fried paddy containing 7 fruits like coconut, banana, cucumber, betel nut, sugar-cane, guava followed by 'Aarti'. In the evening they break their fast by preparing a dish containing the fried paddy of the morning along with the fruits, curd, and jaggery to offer the moon god before the 'tulsi' plant. After this maidens play games and sing songs under the light of the full moon. [Wikipedia]

Lakhshmi Puja

Jueves 17 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.

Lakhshmi Puja

Viernes 18 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the Tihar Festival of Lights is called Laxmi puja . This is the day when Nepalis worship the goddess of wealth. On this day, early in the morning the cow is worshipped. Tika is put on her head and a garland around her neck, and then she feasts with delicious food. A cow also symbolises wealth and she is the most holy animal for Hindus.


Domingo 20 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Él es el «principal arquitecto universal», el artesano que fabricó y diseñó la geometría sagrada y la arquitectura divina a pedido de Brahmā, el dios creador del universo. En la mitología hinduista, Viswákarma se considera el deva shilpi (arquitecto de los dioses). Su padre era Prabhas, el octavo ermita del legendario Astam Basu. Su madre era Ioga Siddha (hermana de Brijas Pati). El Rig-veda describe a Viswákarma como el dios de la visión multidimensional y la fuerza suprema. Puede predecir con anticipación en qué dirección se moverá su creación. En la mitología posterior se identifica a veces con Tuashtri2 Él es el artesano divino de todo el universo.3 Es el constructor de los palacios de todos los semidioses. [Wikipedia]


Jueves 31 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : El festival de la Luz comienza con las festividades. La semana celebra 1.Dhanteras, 2.Kali Chaudas, 3.Deepavali, 4.Navu-Varsha (año nuevo), 5.Bhai-beej. El elenco de Vai está principalmente preocupado. Mayo dura varios días

Bhai Teeka/Panchak Yama

Jueves 31 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Sardar Patel day

Jueves 31 octubre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : (31 October 1875 – 15 December 1950), was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was an Indian barrister and statesman, a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and one of the founding member of the Republic of India who played a leading role in the country's struggle for independence and guided its integration into a united, independent nation. [Wikipedia]


Viernes 15 noviembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Light festival starts with festivities. The week celebrates 1.Dhanteras, 2.Kali Chaudas, 3.Deepavali, 4.Navu-Varsha (new year), 5.Bhai-beej. The Vai cast is mainly concerned. May last several days

Rahasa Purnima

Viernes 15 noviembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista :

Kartar Singh Srabha day

Sabado 16 noviembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Kartar Singh Sarabha (24 May 1896 – 16 November 1915) was an Indian Sikh revolutionary who is among the most famous and reputed martyrs of Punjab. He was only 17 years old when he became a member of Ghadar Party, then came up as a leading luminary member and started fight for an independent India. He was one the most active persons in the movement. Singh was executed at Lahore in November 1915 for his role in the movement in February 1915 when he was only 19 years old. [Wikipedia]

Kanakadasa Jayanti

Lunes 18 noviembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Celebra el aniversario de nacimiento del Santo y el Poeta Kanaka Dasa, uno de los mayores reformadores sociales de Karnataka y que se destaca por sus composiciones musicales.

Día festivo regional

Miércoles 20 noviembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Namami Barak festival in Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj

Nupi Lal

Jueves 12 diciembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Tribute to the Manipuri women who lost their lives in the revolt against the British rulers in 1939.

Hindu festival

Domingo 15 diciembre, 2024
Budista-Hinduista : Sakela is the main festival of Kirat which is celebrated twice a year distinguished by two names Ubhauli and Udhauli. Sakela Ubhauli is celebrated during Baisakh Purnima (full moon day in the month of Baishak) and Sakela Udhauli is celebrated during the full moon day in the month of Mangsir.

Mannam celebration

Jueves 2 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Mannathu Padmanabhan (January 2, 1878 - February 25, 1970) was a social reformer and a freedom fighter from the State of Kerala, India. He is recognised as the founder of the Nair Service Society, which claims to represent the Nair community that constitutes almost 14.5% of the population of the state. Padmanabhan is considered as a visionary reformer who organised the Nair community under the NSS [Wikipedia]

Cumpleaños de Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Lunes 6 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : (22 December 1666 - 7 October 1708) is the tenth of eleven Sikh gurus. Born in Patna, Bihar in India, he was also a warrior, poet and philosopher. He succeeded his father Guru Tegh Bahadur as the leader of Sikhs at a young age of nine. He contributed much to Sikhism; notable was his contribution to the continual formalisation of the faith which the first Sikh Guru Nanak Dev had founded, as a religion, in the 15th century. Wikipedia

Día festivo regional

Lunes 13 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Lohri: This agricultural winter festival is celebrated throughout Punjab and in parts of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi and Jammu. Jammu only Wikipedia

Shakambhari celebration

Lunes 13 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Shakambhari is an incarnation of Parvati. Her name means The One who nourished mankind with fruits and vegetables . It is said that in the end of a hundred-year lasting famine, the supreme Paramashakti incarnated as Shatakshi-Shakambhari and gave food to the starving. Shakambhari devi is the third form of the Mother as depicted in the Murti Rahasyam part of The Devi-mahatmyam or most popularly, Sri Sri Durga Saptashati/Sri Sri Chandi , [Wikipedia]

Shakambhari day

Lunes 13 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : A goddess of nourishment

Makar Sankranti

Martes 14 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Celebration of the harvest, which is observed for three days: Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal and Mattu Pongal. A colourful and traditional festival with many a ceremony devoted to various deities and cattle races.

Magh Sankrati

Martes 14 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : One of the religious festival of Nepali community. The day is auspicious for holy bathing since it is considered that all the sins or diseases of body will be removed by the blessing of Sun God.

Magh Bihu/Tusu Puja - Pongal

Martes 14 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : The symbol is the movement from one place to another which leads to meeting someone or something. The sun leaves its present constellation to get into Sakranti .

Día festivo opcional

Martes 14 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Magh Sankrati

Magh Bihu/Tusu Puja - Pongal

Miércoles 15 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Celebration of the harvest, which is observed for three days: Bhogi Pongal, Surya Pongal and Mattu Pongal. A colourful and traditional festival with many a ceremony devoted to various deities and cattle races.


Miércoles 15 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : The third day of the festival of Makar Sankranti

Uzhavar Thirunal

Jueves 16 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Also called Thai Pongal: a harvest festival celebrated by Tamils Unusually for South Indian Hindu festivals, Thai Pongal is timed by an astronomical event - the winter solstice. Pongal is traditionally dedicated to the Sun God Surya and marks the beginning of the northward journey of the Sun from its southernmost-limit, a movement traditionally referred to as uttarayana. [Wikipedia]

Uzhavar Thirunal

Viernes 17 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Also called Thai Pongal: a harvest festival celebrated by Tamils Unusually for South Indian Hindu festivals, Thai Pongal is timed by an astronomical event - the winter solstice. Pongal is traditionally dedicated to the Sun God Surya and marks the beginning of the northward journey of the Sun from its southernmost-limit, a movement traditionally referred to as uttarayana. [Wikipedia]

Día de las ofrendas

Jueves 30 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Las mujeres cantan y bailan, los hombres juegan tiro con arco, los picnics se organizan más populares en el este de Bhután


Viernes 31 enero, 2025
Budista-Hinduista : Celebrado por el pueblo Ahom en memoria de los difuntos. Es la manifestación del concepto de adoración de los antepasados que los Ahom comparten con otros pueblos originarios de la población tai-shan. Es un festival para mostrar respeto a los antepasados difuntos y recordar su contribución a la sociedad. [Wikipedia]